Edina Monsoon-Jennifer Saunders
Patsy Stone-Joanna Lumley
Saffron Monsoon-Julia Sawalha
June Monsoon (Mother)-June Whitfield
Bubble- Jane Horrocks
Jon Plowman
November 1992-December 1992 - Six Episodes
January 1994-March 1994 - Six Episodes
March 1995-May 1995 - Six Episodes
Jennifer Saunders
Bob Spiers
Absolutely Fabulous is popular amongst British women, as the main characters are so exaggerated. They play on the characteristics many people do not find appealing. Edina is so obsessed with the latest fashions, getting botox and spending her money on designer clothes. The fact that these women are wealthy enough to afford these things would usually mean viewers would look up to them. However, in Ab Fab, these women are always drunk or taking drugs, spending too much money and being generally very rude. This means that rather than looking up to these women, viewers will laugh at them as they do all these things usually found annoying in a comedic way. It shows that this aspirational lifestlye is not all it seems to be, these women are as common as the next.